Only do one form of exercise a day, they said. Only leave the house for a 30 minute walk or to buy essentials, they said. Thank goodness Violet had a Waitrose close by! She was able to combine all three in one hit and buy all the things she desperately needed. Violet's stash of Confit De Canard was running dangerously low so she dashed into her local branch to stock up on her favourites from the Waitrose Essentials range; beluga caviar, free range sparrow eggs, artisan sourdough (made from a 1000 year old starter), quince jelly, vintage champagne, alpaca cheese and ostrich steaks. And not forgetting a litre of milk from hand-milked cows. She couldn't wait to make her signature sparrow eggs on toast, yummy!
Materials used: 'found' ceramic figurine, polymer clay, ceramic paint, dolls house items, photographic paper
Dimensions: 15 cm H, 12 cm W, 12 cm D