The picnic had been Mark's suggestion - he and Annabel hadn't seen each other irl since March and now picnics & barbecues were allowed, he thought it might be romantic. What they hadn't anticipated was how difficult it was to meet but not to touch. All Annabel wanted to do was lick the flaky pastry from Mark's Greggs vegan sausage roll off his lips and to peel the shiny red wax from his Babybels, but she knew she couldn't. As for Mark, the sight of Annabel’s teeth sinking into the pillowy white softness of her cheese sandwich nearly sent him over the edge. It might have been three months in #lockdown, but it felt like Nine & A Half Weeks... never had a Penguin bar seemed so erotic. Ah well, thought Annabel, at least their zoom chat tonight would be interesting...
Materials Used: Found ceramics, polymer clay, ceramic paint, dolls house item and photographic paper