Roses are red
Daffodils are yellow
Kyle thought Debs was a lady
But she was a fellow (called Dave)
Kyle had been 'virtually' dating Debbie since March 2020 and despite living in the same town, they had never met IRL due to Debbie's job having erratic hours. Her webcam was broken and her phone camera didn't work either, so they' d never video chatted but Deb had sent a few pics over and well... he was In Love. So much so, he sent money every week for her sick mother. But on Valentine's Day, Kyle could no longer stand it, jumping on a bus to her house so he could present her with a rose. Imagine his horror upon arriving at Debbie's address only to find it was occupied by a man called Dave who finally confessed to being 'Debbie', breaking poor Kyle's heart into a thousand pieces. Luckily Kyle managed to get his money back, blowing it all on a holiday to Mauritius where he met a lovely real lady from Southend and they lived happily ever after. The End.
Materials: Your Nan's china ornament, ceramic paint, polymer clay, varnish