First Day of School
First Day of School

Eve loved her twins Cain and Abel, but since nursery had broken up for summer, she had struggled to get a decent day's work done because her husband Adam had a Very Important Job which meant she’d been juggling her full time job with entertaining the boys through the break. Excitingly, although today was their very first day at school, the boys were refusing to put any clothes on (they were very relaxed about nudity in their household, sometimes just sporting a fig leaf or two, so the boys weren’t used to the concept of clothes). She'd tried bribing them with a juicy apple but that hadn’t worked… at this rate they were going to have to start primary school in the nude! The shame!
size: 297mm x 420 mm on 200 gsm Nautilus paper

Ref: school

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size: 297mm x 420 mm on Nautilus 200 gsm paper FREE SHIPPING TO THE UK £35.00
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First Day of School

Eve loved her twins Cain and Abel, but since nursery had broken up for summer, she had struggled to get a decent day's work done because her husband Adam had a Very Important Job which meant she’d been juggling her full time job with entertaining the boys through the break. Excitingly, although today was their very first day at school, the boys were refusing to put any clothes on (they were very relaxed about nudity in their household, sometimes just sporting a fig leaf or two, so the boys weren’t used to the concept of clothes). She'd tried bribing them with a juicy apple but that hadn’t worked… at this rate they were going to have to start primary school in the nude! The shame!
size: 297mm x 420 mm on 200 gsm Nautilus paper

Ref: school

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size: 297mm x 420 mm on Nautilus 200 gsm paper FREE SHIPPING TO THE UK £35.00
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