Wake Up & Smell The (Stone) Roses
Wake Up & Smell The (Stone) Roses

What do you do when you hear your favourite band of all time are planning their biggest gig yet? You snap up tickets instantly of course!. Which is exactly what Andy did in the spring of 1990 when he found out that the Stone Roses would be playing a show at Spike Island. Andy loved Spike Island and had been there as a youngster, so he felt confident he'd be able to get himself there. So on the day of the gig, he packed his bag with sandwiches, a pork pie and some beer, and set off on his adventure.
Imagine his dismay when he turned up at Spike Island in Ireland, only to discover that he actually should have been on a man-made island in the middle of the Mersey estuary. To this day, Andy has never told a soul he turned up at the wrong place, instead regaling everyone who will listen that he was at that Roses' seminal gig in May 1990 and embellishing his stories to the point where he was actually watching from the side of the stage because he 'had a mate who worked in security'. Your secret is safe with us, Andy!
'Wake Up And Smell The (Stone) Roses' is an original piece.
Materials used: Your Nan's china ornament, polymer clay, ceramic paint, photographic paper, varnish

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Wake Up & Smell The (Stone) Roses

What do you do when you hear your favourite band of all time are planning their biggest gig yet? You snap up tickets instantly of course!. Which is exactly what Andy did in the spring of 1990 when he found out that the Stone Roses would be playing a show at Spike Island. Andy loved Spike Island and had been there as a youngster, so he felt confident he'd be able to get himself there. So on the day of the gig, he packed his bag with sandwiches, a pork pie and some beer, and set off on his adventure.
Imagine his dismay when he turned up at Spike Island in Ireland, only to discover that he actually should have been on a man-made island in the middle of the Mersey estuary. To this day, Andy has never told a soul he turned up at the wrong place, instead regaling everyone who will listen that he was at that Roses' seminal gig in May 1990 and embellishing his stories to the point where he was actually watching from the side of the stage because he 'had a mate who worked in security'. Your secret is safe with us, Andy!
'Wake Up And Smell The (Stone) Roses' is an original piece.
Materials used: Your Nan's china ornament, polymer clay, ceramic paint, photographic paper, varnish

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